Staytion takes home back-to-back wins at Real Estate Asia Awards 2024 | Real Estate Asia

Staytion takes home back-to-back wins at Real Estate Asia Awards 2024

They revolutionise workspace flexibility and technological integration.

Staytion, Southeast Asia’s largest network of coworking spaces, has clinched prestigious accolades at the Real Estate Asia Awards 2024, securing both the Flexible Workspace Initiative of the Year - Singapore and Technology Innovation of the Year - Singapore for its pioneering contribution. Established in 2022, Staytion has redefined the concept of workspaces by merging technological innovation with flexible, user-centric designs that cater to a modern, mobile workforce.

The company's digital platform,, is at the forefront of this revolution, providing instant access to an unmatched variety of prime spaces that cater to the dynamic needs of today's professionals. This platform supports the work-on-the-go lifestyle that has become prevalent in the contemporary work environment, optimising employee productivity through seamless and instant access to work and lifestyle spaces. With its intuitive interface, robust payment systems, and detailed listings, Staytion has crafted a user experience that prioritises trust, security, and convenience.

In Singapore, Staytion has strategically located its coworking facilities in accessible areas such as train stations and popular urban locales including Paya Lebar, Marsiling, Woodlands, Dhoby Ghaut, and Arab Street. This placement ensures that professionals can find flexible working options close to home, reducing commute times and enhancing work-life balance. Each site is equipped with high-speed WiFi, comfortable furnishings, and essential office amenities, all designed to foster productivity and collaboration.

Furthermore, Staytion’s innovative approach extends beyond mere workspace provision. Staytion is also an expert at curating and managing diverse spaces, such as Lifestyle Centre at Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station and the vibrant hub at Arab Street, which blend work with lifestyle amenities to create community spaces that offer food and beverage options, retail outlets, and wellness activities. This holistic approach not only caters to the professional needs of individuals but also enhances their daily living, proving that coworking spaces can be central to urban life.

The technological backbone of Staytion's offering, which streamlines listing and discovery of spaces into an effortless experience, is what sets it apart in the crowded field of coworking spaces. The platform allows users to book spaces across five countries with a single global pass, breaking down traditional barriers and providing unprecedented flexibility. This global passport system exemplifies Staytion’s commitment to redefining how coworking spaces are utilised, offering professionals the ability to work seamlessly across borders.

Staytion's success is evidenced by its rapid growth, with over 10,000 users and more than 10,000 transactions recorded since its inception. This growth not only demonstrates the effectiveness of its platform but also underscores the demand for flexible, tech-driven workspace solutions. The company’s continued focus on scalability, strategic marketing, and product enhancement aims to solidify its position as a leader in the coworking space industry.

In receiving these awards, Staytion has not only been recognised for its innovative contributions to the coworking sector but also for its role in enhancing the professional and personal lives of its users. As it moves forward, Staytion remains dedicated to expanding its offerings and continuing to provide high-quality, flexible workspace solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses and individuals alike.

With its groundbreaking platform and strategic expansions, Staytion is setting new standards in the coworking industry, driving digital innovation and redefining the boundaries of workplace flexibility and connectivity. Visit today to explore their network of coworking spaces to find the perfect workspace for your needs. 

Learn more by visiting their social pages below:


The Real Estate Asia Awards is presented by Real Estate Asia Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2025 awards programme and be acclaimed for your company's exceptional projects or initiatives in the Real Estate industry, please contact Julie Anne Nuñez at [email protected].

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