More luxury hotels set to open in South Korea in the near term | Real Estate Asia

More luxury hotels set to open in South Korea in the near term

Rosewood Seoul is expected to add 250 hotel rooms.

According to a Savills report, the trend of prioritising luxury experiences and relaxation has continued post-pandemic, leading to the expansion and opening of new luxury brand hotels. 

Marriott Hotels, having acquired the operating rights to the InterContinental Seoul COEX in Samseong-dong, plans to rebrand it as ‘Westin’ in 2025 after undergoing a year-long remodelling starting in July 2024. 

Here’s more from Savills:

Global luxury hotel group Rosewood is set to make its debut in South Korea with ‘Rosewood Seoul’ in the mixed-use development ‘The Parkside Seoul’ on the former site of the UN Command in Itaewon. Scheduled to open in 2027 alongside the completion of The Parkside Seoul, Rosewood Seoul will feature approximately 250 rooms, seven restaurants and bars, and various wellness facilities. 

Additionally, the premium hotel resort group Aman is considering entering the South Korean market with its sister brand ‘Janu’ in the Seoul Station Northern Region Development project in Bongrae-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, which is slated to begin construction in 2024.


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