Leading the way to a vibrant future with Alveo Land | Real Estate Asia

Leading the way to a vibrant future with Alveo Land

The company wins at the Real Estate Asia Awards 2022.

As a leading developer of vibrant communities and groundbreaking living solutions in the Philippines, Alveo Land adapts to the changing needs of a rapidly expanding upscale market by carrying the legacy of Ayala Land, the largest and most experienced real estate developer in the Philippines. Through their efforts over the past two years, Alveo Land was able to establish their strength and agility, earning them the Developer of the Year - Philippines Award at the Real Estate Asia Awards 2022. 

The awards programme recognises major breakthroughs, innovations, and key players in the real estate industry of Asia, and Alveo Land’s remarkable milestones and growth as an organisation distinguished them from their competitors. 

Since its inception, Alveo Land has proudly built and sustained well-designed developments and flourishing communities with over 64 projects in 14 locations all over the Philippines. Its dynamic range of condominium, subdivision, commercial, and office-for-sale developments are all designed in tune with the contemporary tastes of a discerning generation. Most importantly, Alveo not only pioneers groundbreaking real estate concepts, but also provides properties that are a reliable store of value—investments that have proven to grow over time.   

From the Latin word salveo, which means “to be well,” its name is an expression of the company’s commitment towards improving the overall quality of life. Through the years, Alveo continued with this mission by focusing on residential and expanding to commercial and leisure developments that keep the well-being of its inhabitants and users in mind—shaping buildings that shape the people within them. 

Now in its 20th year, Alveo’s commitment to developing vibrant living and working solutions that adapt to changing needs gains new relevance and meaning. The past couple of years have only underscored the importance of living well in all aspects of daily life—not just physically but mentally, emotionally, socially and even financially. These intangible benefits have become a primary consideration for real estate buyers, and illustrate how homes as well as business spaces are evolving into the foreseeable future. 

With years of real estate expertise built on a solid heritage and foundation, Alveo is taking the lead in redefining what it means to live well and work well today. The company’s strong track record only proves its capability to bring major contributions to the progress of the growing cities where they’re positioned, as their dedication to building an extensive portfolio of holistic communities with relevant, thoughtfully-designed amenities and customer-focused service remains unparalleled in the Philippine real estate market.

The Real Estate Asia Awards 2022 is presented by Real Estate Asia. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2023 awards programme and be acclaimed for your company's innovative real estate developments, please contact Julie Anne Nuñez at [email protected].

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