Top 5 APAC real estate industry cross border deals in Q4 2020 | Real Estate Asia
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Top 5 APAC real estate industry cross border deals in Q4 2020

A $1.02bn acquisition is on top of the list.

Led by Gebr Knauf’s $1.02bn acquisition of Usg Boral Building Products, Asia-Pacific’s construction & real estate industry saw a drop of 13.16% in cross border deal activity during Q4 2020, when compared to the last four-quarter average, according to GlobalData’s deals database.

A total of 33 cross border deals worth $4.17bn were announced for the region during Q4 2020, against the last four-quarter average of 38 deals.

Of all the deal types, M&A saw most activity in Q4 2020 with 25, representing a 75.8% share for the region.

In second place was venture financing with five deals, followed by private equity deals with three transactions, respectively capturing a 15.2% and 9.1% share of the overall cross border deal activity for the quarter.

In terms of value of cross border deals, M&A was the leading category in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China’s construction & real estate industry with $4.12bn, while venture financing and private equity deals totalled $33.82m and $10.37m, respectively.

Asia-Pacific construction & real estate industry cross border deals in Q4 2020: Top deals

The top five construction & real estate cross border deals accounted for an 87.6% share of the overall value during Q4 2020.

The combined value of the top five cross border deals stood at $3.65bn, against the overall value of $4.17bn recorded for the quarter.

The top five construction & real estate industry cross border deals of Q4 2020 tracked by GlobalData were:

  • Gebr Knauf’s $1.02bn acquisition of Usg Boral Building Products
  • The $1.01bn acquisition of Xinyi Glass Holdings by Unified Group Investments
  • Clay Holdings III’s $956.34m acquisition of Soilbuild Business Space REIT
  • The $528.97m acquisition deal with Chenani Nashri Tunnelway by Cube Highways and Infrastructure II
  • Pacific Win Investments’ acquisition of Guangdong Development Automobile City for $137.77m.

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