Industrial developers probe delivery routes to improve sustainability | Real Estate Asia

Industrial developers probe delivery routes to improve sustainability

A facility in Australia is tracking carbon emissions of delivery vehicles.

Over recent years, the real estate industry has been looking into ways to improve sustainability efforts. According to JLL, building materials and waste management are usually the first places to look but just recently, the industrial sector has just begun to probe delivery routes as well. Technology, of course, is still a key factor to advancing corporate sustainability strategies.

JLL cites a warehouse in Western Sydney, Australia that measures its delivery vehicles’ carbon emissions in order to earn points towards green certification. Other couriers and retail giants, meanwhile, are using electric vehicles for last mile deliveries.

Such efforts are coming amid a broader push toward sustainable corporate practices. While green solutions have long played a limited role in driving decisions among industrial occupiers, sustainability is playing an increasingly important role in supply chains and logistics real estate, according to JLL’s Future of Global Logistics Real Estate report.

“As an industry we’ve got to push the boundaries of what we think we can achieve if we are going to move the needle on climate change,” says Damien Silvester, sustainability analyst, JLL.

Read the full article here.


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