Sydney CBD office vacancy rate to stabilise in 2025 | Real Estate Asia

Sydney CBD office vacancy rate to stabilise in 2025

Only two new major projects are expected to be completed this year.

The Sydney CBD office vacancy rate is forecast to stabilise over 2025 according to JLL, as major supply completions are limited to 33 Alfred Street (30,700 sqm) and 270 Pitt Street (22,700 sqm).

JLL said, “The Sydney non-CBD markets are projected to maintain elevated vacancy levels, as tenant interest is concentrated within the Sydney CBD, and some proximate CBD locations such as Surry Hills and North Sydney.”

Here’s more from JLL:

The Sydney CBD recorded approximately 9,300 sqm of positive net absorption over Q4 2024. This result was driven by small tenant (<1,000 sqm) demand as large tenants broadly made contractionary moves over the quarter.

Six out of the 10 Sydney office markets recorded positive net absorption. The largest positive result in the non-CBD markets was around 8,600 sqm in North Sydney while Macquarie Park recorded the weakest result of -13,000 sqm.

Two new completions increase Sydney CBD stock to 5,353,200 sqm

Parkline Place, 252 Pitt Street (47,800 sqm) and 333 Kent Street (14,200 sqm) completed in Q4 2024 in the Sydney CBD. There is currently 238,900 sqm under construction across seven projects in the CBD. The largest of these is 55 Pitt Street (63,000 sqm).

There was one completion in the non-CBD markets which was 25 Bourke Road in Alexandria, Sydney South (16,306 sqm). There is currently 133,100 sqm of stock under construction in the non-CBD markets. The largest is Victoria Cross Tower, 189 Miller Street (57,100 sqm).

Sydney CBD prime yields remain flat over the quarter

Sydney CBD prime net face rents grew 1.0% over Q4 2024 and have grown 4.0% over the past 12 months. Prime incentives marginally reduced over the quarter.

Prime midpoint yields were flat in the CBD at 5.63% – 7.00%. Yields in Norwest, Parramatta, St Leonards and Sydney Olympic Park/Rhodes softened the greatest amount (44 bps) while the other non-CBD markets softened to various degrees (13-37 bps).

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