India residential prices up 10% in Q3 | Real Estate Asia
, India

India residential prices up 10% in Q3

Demand has been increasing despite rising mortgage rates.

According to a Colliers report, increased demand and cost escalations led prices to rise by up to 10% in the residential sector across major cities in India; demand resilience to rising mortgage rates reflects a sustained upswing. 

Moreover, commercial real estate witnessed a similar rise in rentals as leasing activity remained buoyant. 

Demand was primarily driven by occupiers expanding their footprint as well as exploring new opportunities within ‘flex spaces’ and ‘managed spaces’.

Here’s more from Colliers:


The festive season may sustain demand in the residential segment in Q4, while warehouses will see high absorption rates as retailers and manufacturers gear up to meet seasonal demand. Industrial and logistic spaces will likely remain in favour following the announcement of as much as USD20 billion in investments in the country’s manufacturing sector. 

Office leasing activity could remain muted in Q4 over apprehensions of a global recession but the adoption of technology in the workspace will drive innovation and demand in the future. The public market has witnessed strong investor demand at both the primary and secondary levels. With the success of three REITs, there is a likelihood of another large Office REIT and a Retail REIT to be listed in 12 months’ time.

Expert view

Following a period of consolidation, existing players are aggressively growing their portfolios. Global investors are attracted to strong demand across asset classes, and opportunities to invest in operating and developing assets in the private and public markets.


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