Apartment prices in Jakarta to increase by 1-2% by 2027 | Real Estate Asia
, Indonesia

Apartment prices in Jakarta to increase by 1-2% by 2027

South Jakarta is expected to see the highest price hikes.

In a recent report, Colliers said the average asking price for strata-title apartments in Jakarta rose by 0.1% QOQ and 0.3% YOY, reaching IDR 35.73 million per sq m.

The highest increments were observed in South Jakarta, driven by numerous ongoing developments in the area.

Here’s more from Colliers:

To make their projects more attractive to potential buyers, developers are introducing a variety of innovative incentives, moving beyond traditional promotions like free furnishing vouchers or additional price discounts.

These include rental guarantees, 'deal now, pay next year' systems, and the option to purchase a unit in an under-construction tower while temporarily residing in a completed one.

Looking ahead, several projects have already planned price increases. We anticipate that the most significant price hikes will continue to occur in South Jakarta, driven by the high volume of ongoing projects in the area. By the end of 2027, we expect overall apartment prices in Jakarta to rise by 1-2%.

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